Residence permit for exceptional reasons

Residence permit for exceptional reasons
1. Passport (or documents constituting an identified adjective or temporary inability to obtain a passport and fee).
2. Visa issued by a Greek consular authority or documents specifically dated, showing a continuous, uninterrupted (7) seven-year stay in Greece.
3. Documents constituting that he/she has developed special links with the country, which make it necessary to stay within the Greek territory.
Submission of application – Granting an application deposit slip
In case of completion of the formal requirements, an application deposit slip is granted by the annotation that the submission of the application prevents the publication of a judgment declaring restoration according to Article 21 of Law. 3907/2011.
If the formal requirements to consider the application are not qualified, a deposit slip will be granted with the annotation that “the mere submission of an application for a residence permit under the provisions of this Article does not imply the legal residence of applicants for the time needed to examine the case file and the provisions of Article 21 et seq. of Law. 3907/2011 (A 7) are applicated. “
1. Child aliens born in Greece gives entitlement acquisition of Greek citizenship underestimates following conditions:
a) The enrollment in the first grade Greek primary education and continuing
Greek school monitoring at the time submission of the declaration – the application of paragraph 2.
b) The previous continuous legal residence
one of the parents of at least five years before
from birth. If the child was born before the completion of a
over five years of residence, the right to acquisition of citizenship based on completion
ten years of continuous legal residence of the parent.
c) The legal residence of his parents: -authorisations long-term resident
-authorisations indefinite or ten duration
second generation -authorisations stay
– Member permanent residence card family of Greek or EU citizen